
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
—Albus Dumbedore

Monday, November 28, 2011

Welcome to the Eye on Wellness Blog

Where to begin?  About two years ago, I got on the scale and it said 191 pounds.  191 pounds?  Really?  Where did it all come from?  What do I do (or didn't do) to get to this point? Around the same time, my neighbor gave birth to her second son (you can read her blog here: Becky's Big Bytes).  She wanted to get rid of the baby fat she gained during her pregnacy and asked me if I wanted to try Weight Watchers.  We both agreed to go to the meetings and support each other in our weight lose journey.  Our first meeting was May 30, 2008.  Since then I have lost a total of 36 pounds, have changed my eating habits, and I'm still learning new healthy habits everyday.  I hope you join me on this journey and I can help you to open your eye on wellness.



  1. Great job, Mark, on both fronts...losing the weight and joining the blogosphere. Can't wait to read more from you!!
    I know how hard you continue to work to keep those lbs off. The world can benefit from more success stories like yours! Keep up the great work : )
