
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
—Albus Dumbedore

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Seven Days of a Calm Christmas Season: Day 1

We have all heard the song "The 12 Days of Christmas."  My personal favorite rendition is the 1979 John Denver and The Muppets version.  I remember listening to it on my 8 track stereo and then having to go through all 4 tracks before you could listen to it again.  Ah memories!

With all the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, I thought it would be nice to find a few minutes each day leading up to Christmas to learn how to relax.  For each of the next 7 days, I will be providing you with an image and a meditative exercise.  These exercises and images come from "The Relax Deck" by Chronicle Books.  I picked the 7 exercises that I thought would be most appropriate to this time of year as we celebrate Christmas; saying good-bye to an old year, and welcoming a new year full of possibilities.


Day 1: The Window to the Future

"We often dwell on the past because we are fearful of the future, but in order to progress we have to move on.  Imagine yourself looking out through the window of the present at a peaceful stretch of beautiful countryside.  This is the land of the future.  In your mind's eye, open the window and let in the gentle winds of change.  There is nothing to fear; you can embrace the future with confidence."

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