As you can see, I have been absent from the blogosphere for a few months. Did I do every thing that I stated that I would do? Nope! Not a single one!
What have I been doing these past few months? I've been stuffing my face with cakes, pastries, cookies, and ice cream. I've been sitting on the couch watching tv after work everyday. I've been having a pain in my right arm and the physical therapist says its an impingement syndrome. I haven't lifted weights in almost a month. I can feel the two years of work slipping away and my muscles shrinking away.
After this lethargic life style, I finally gained enough courage to get myself on the scale this morning. I could see how my body had been changing in the mirror every morning but it was finally time to put a number to it. The scale read 164 lbs. 14 lbs above my goal weight. What have I done?
It's time to reboot my life. It's as if you are working on your computer and the computer system starts to slow down. Things start to freeze. You try to close the application. Nothing. Why is the cursor now frozen? Where's that manual that came with the computer? Wait? Did I get a manual? Time to do the famous CTRL-ALT-DELETE keyboard combination. Time for a computer system reboot.
It's time for me to start counting points again. Time to start doing cardio everyday again. Time to start weighing myself everyday again. Time to get refocused. Who's with me?